10 Benefits of Breastfeeding for a Mother
A mother’s journey is probably the most amazing path that a woman can go through in her life.
Dramatic changes from being just a wife to becoming a mother taking care of a newborn baby would be difficult for a new mom. Sometimes you might feel empty and feel you are not doing the right thing will happen to you also, but I want to let you know events like this is normal and everything will be normal again. As a new mom feeling overwhelm is normal for you to feel, fatigue would be the number one challenge to you since your body would still adjust to the changes that happen to your body as you deliver in this world an amazing gift from heaven.
First, since you are facing now a life-changing calling you need to work with, your role as a mother to your newly born baby is a provider, provider of everything such as love, care, support, and most especially giving your baby food. Do you know that more than 80 percent of U.S. mothers breastfeed their newborns? As of now, breastfeeding benefits are proven to be the most effective food that a newborn can eat for his/her first six months up to 3 years old.
Here are the 10 Benefits of Breastfeeding for a Mother, as you try to read these benefits, I hope it can help you feel how important you are to your little angels and how would sacrifice on breastfeeding your child to make a better world for them.
1. Breastfeeding would help you recover fast.

Breastfeeding provides health benefits for mothers beyond emotional satisfaction. Mothers who breastfeed recover from childbirth more quickly and easily. The hormone oxytocin, released during breastfeeding, acts to return the uterus to its regular size more quickly and can reduce postpartum bleeding. Do you know that if you will exclusively nurse your baby for the first month after you give birth the first very benefits that you will feel is to be able to feel recovered and at least almost normal physically? This experience would be normal if you give birth for normal delivery but if you experience C-section delivery recovery may take some time depending on the women’s body. Every woman’s body is different from another so the result would depend also on how your diet was, physical activity every such as exercise and warm-ups, etc. In the end, if you keep on breastfeeding your baby exclusively your recovery is much fast and natural.
2.The safest and nutritious food for your baby.
Breast milk is ultimately the best source of nutrition for a new baby. Many components in breast milk help protect your baby against infection and disease. Mom’s define breastmilk as also a miracle worker milk? It creating a unique connection between the mother and the baby at the same time that would make the newborn be healthier and happy.
3. It will give you better sleep at night.

Do you know that studies show that breastfeeding mothers actually get more and better-quality sleep than formula-feeding mothers—particularly when the baby is in close proximity to the mother. If you breastfeed your baby at night it can also give you a full sleep and be able to find some rest from whole day parenting with your little sunshine.
4. Your baby would be calm all the time.
One magic of breastfeeding to a newborn is it helps them be calmer in all the new things that happened to them. These would also give you enough energy because if your baby is not distress or irritated in result you have the energy to give love and care to your baby.
5. Can save your time.
Time is gold! Most especially if you are a mother, every second and minute is precious if you exclusively nurse your baby, you don’t need to spend time cleaning milk bottles or going to market to buy formula milk. The most thing you just need to do as a new mom is to be always clean because you are a walking milk bank.
6. You can save plenty of money.
One of the most benefits that I like in doing breastfeeding is you save a lot of money. Who anyone wants to save money. If you nursing your baby, you give free milk but the most nutritious milk that your baby can get.
7. Your little Angel is healthy.

I remember my mom will always tell me that the only prayer that she always says to God is for the safety of her children. There is no mother who wants that her baby to be sick. One of the benefits of giving breastmilk to your little one is they received consistently anti-bodies as they drink your milk.
8. A natural contraceptive.
How does breastfeeding work to prevent pregnancy? Breastfeeding naturally suppresses the hormones that are necessary for ovulation. Some women use breastfeeding as a form of natural contraception. This is known as the lactational amenorrhoea method or LAM.
9.You will be slim fit.

Breastfeeding is a good way to tighten the belly because it causes the uterus to contract and quickly shrink back to its pre-baby size. Women who breastfeed lose weight faster than those who don't— up to 300 calories a day. And if you breastfeed for more than six months, you can burn up to 400 calories a day.
10. You make the world a better place.
As newly mother your hope for your little angel is to have a better life, In all circumstances, you are the number one key holder to make these hopes happen. I know that if you acknowledge yourself and always look at the brighter side of life every difficult thing will just go away that will provide an opportunity for you to enjoy your magical time with your little ones. Always remember that you, mothers are not alone, you are very precious daughters of God that gives a better place to little angels. Thank you for you all of your sacrifices and love. We honor and support you!
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Benefits of Breastfeeding for Mom: healthy children. org
How breastfeeding benefits your sleep!: Baby gooroo
5 Ways to Lose the Baby Belly: Fox News
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