How To Overcome Tiredness if you are a Full-Time Mom?
A mother's job is 24 hours full-time work, no salary, no commission incentives, no freebies, and no holiday leave. To be a full-time mom is a no joke gig because there is no specific guidance on how to do it but we can help you how to manage your energy as you do your daily task as a mom and not feel so tired for the whole full day taking good care of your kids and family. Feeling so tired is the most challenging moment that a mother can ever feel. Fatigue, not having enough sleep, endless home cleaning, tantrums, nursing, and many more tasks that a mother does every day would cause you tiredness and stress and we do not want you to feel that every day. So, here are some tips on how to overcome tiredness if you are a full-time mom.
1) Give yourself a break!
We all know that being a mother is a really demanding job. Your first priority is to help your family most especially your kids to get on to their feet. Sometimes you forget yourself all the time but please do not do that to yourself. You are a human being that even if you have a full schedule ahead, you should give yourself a break and take time for yourself. Giving yourself 30-45 mins me time would not make you a thief, just think of yourself like a cellphone battery, that also needs to be recharged. Having some rest or my time would help you manage your stress and fatigue.
2) 5-15 mins self-meditation.

Love yourself so that you can love more! Calming your mind would also help you manage your tiredness. Whenever you feel uncomfortable or overwhelmed due to your task as a mother, find time to ask your partner to take over a couple of minutes to relieve you from your kids and go to an empty room for 5-15 mins and empty your mind and love yourself and meditate. This would help you manage your anger also and as a result, will give you patience and lasting self-control from your weakness. For example, every mother has their own challenges that face every day, like me, I cannot even have a straight 8 hours sleep because I am required to nurse my newborn baby at night. As I try to do daily self-meditation for 5-15 mins it helps me relax and gain much strength to serve my family more.
3) Do not be a martyr!

You can be like Wonder woman that can save the world in one day but don't be a martyr. As a mother, your presence at home is like a light in the life of your husband and your kids. But you cannot do all things at a time. You have all your resources to seek help from people around you. Always remember that grandmothers are always available to your kids to aid you some time to get some rest. Always remember a grandparent is a little bit parent, a little bit teacher, and a little bit best friend.Here are some tips you can tell with your kid's grandparents as they take care of your kids.
4) Have a day off!
Photo by: Andrea Piacquadio
I know you like to spend time with your kids and some mothers are not comfortable if they will be away from their kids, that is normal. Having a day off doesn't mean you need to be away from your kids. Have a day off to do all the chores that you do on a normal day. Like, do some special things that you don't usually do. Try to learn new skills like baking, making homemade ice cream, master cooking pancakes, try to learn a new recipe for canned tuna, etc. Having at least one day that you can have special things that you like would help you regain yourself and help you enjoy your day. Believe you would not feel tired if you will do this to yourself.
Here are things you can do on your day off!
5) Careful Planning

Control is the one key that can help you manage your tiredness. If you are in charge of everything that happened inside your home it means you can also manage everything even fatigue and tiredness. Careful planning of your daily task may help you become successful in overcoming stress and fatigue. Since you are in control it means you can drive how fast or slow a task can be done. Do not plan to accomplish all in one day!
Always remember that you are special. In your children's eyes, you are their number one favorite person in the whole wide world. If you can be able to manage yourself from tiredness and stress it would be a great blessing to everyone around you. It means you have enough space to love your family, more energy to play, and have good times with your kids and will help you enjoy your day and become the mother that you like to be.
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Life As Mom:
This is so helpful! Thanks for the tips
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